Dark clouds hanging over my spirit and I'm torn from the limb in metaphorical visions

of all things grounded, solid and sure.

My name hovers on my own lips like a violent force emerging from unspoken sentiments.

I am tired.

Keep up my head into sunlit spaces, just don't look down to the creeping

Treading water that isn't water, but feels like the darkness on the face of the deep

Hoping 6 days pass quickly and the seventh...

Pregnant with possibility, pulled and teased and drugged into submission by the very

Pharmacological pool within me.

I keep treading to keep my head up and I wait...


  1. Sounds like a depressing day :( Hope it didn't last. Know you are always loved. It is hard to overcome the feeling of constant struggle sometimes. There are times when I feel like I am fighting against the wind and can't remember what it is all for. Eventually I have to remind myself of what I am working towards or it would all become too overwhelming. Hope you are seeing sunshine today.

  2. You know it's true to some degree that misery loves company. IT's nice to know we all have these days.


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