I always think I'm fragmenting
And i see pieces of the me, flying off
like sparks from a bonfire lifting into the night
And I lament the loss
But on second glance
I see pieces of me flying
Spreading out underneath a wide sky
Going up and off into places outside formerly beyond reach
And I dare to think I'm free
Free of the weight that makes this mortal body heavy
The misunderstandings that distract from truth
Truth of My sparks meant to redeem-to lift
Off into the dark places that discomfort turns our head from
So that we should all retract into the boundaries
We know
And find familiar
Ceasing to bring out light-our sparks-our freedom
To dark places
And to light up the sky like eternal stars
I like this second glance where the Truth resonates like
a stringed instrument
In a skillful hand-moving my soul like in solidarity to the notes..all rising
No-there is no space in here for lament
The contrast of light and dark
Of high and low
Of spreading out from contraction
Resembles fear, but is closer to excitement
stepping out into the unknown and finding
This is Truth in process
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