Cheshvan 16, 5775

I cannot put faith;
 In the math
In the apparent situation
In the theories my mind conjures in the weak crevices of my resolve

I feel the power of defiance and resistance rise in my chest
I spread my arms out to keep from lifting off
I gather my energies before they gather me
And I root my feet into the earth for what today feels like a final stand

I refuse to be shaken any longer.

If the whole image comes crashing around me
I will not move
And my faith in things intangible will hold me irrationally to this path
That once I followed
But now has become indistinguishable from my own form

I desired to move beyond faith
And into knowledge
And here-this I know more now than ever
That should the judgment be that everything is taken from me
I will still be a Jew

And blessing will still leak from my lips


  1. Did I say it already? I love your writing. Put them together one day and publish.

  2. I appreciate the feedback. :) Gd willing, one day.


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