The Red Box

Don't touch that
Come here
Put your shoes on
That was a scary dream?
I'll hold you till you go back to sleep.
I'm so sorry you feel yucky.
Go. To. Sleep.
You can do it!
Look at you swim!
That was a really high tree and you climbed it!
I looked everywhere for you! I was so scared.
In the river with the dog?!
I don't know what I would do if I lost you!
I couldn't breathe.

Pooh bear small fat fingers, wrapped so tightly around my soul
To powerpuff girls, rolled up jeans and oceans
Jumpalines, and redwood trees...I can still feel your small hands...

Big dinners, big smiles, big belief in you...

Mountain bikes, camping, did you see these pictures?
Remember when...

Hope is the things with feathers...
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of Gd...
If you can walk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings but not loose the common touch...

Yes, you can sleep in my bed.
Can I lay next to you. I just want to hear  you breathe.


Pippy Long stalkings.
and that scare crow people took pictures of..

You are so funny. I love your curls. I wish you wouldn't straighten it.
Today is a new day.
There is always forgiveness.
Love bears all things.

We are family.
Thank you for helping.
Dinner is ready.
Tatti's lasagna pizza
Bottle rockets on New Years Eve

Pancakes and Bob Marley
New Years Dance party

Your baby too...

I won't leave you. I regret.
You don't need me.

My own voice echos back to me
No answers-no comments
I can't see where you are
Just memories roll around in my head
and keep spilling from the hole in my heart
with each bump into tomorrow
I tiptoe carefully around pictures and that red box
That I hold tightly in my arms and wish wasn't here

Too dramatic I suppose
But how to piece together new dreams from the fragments of old ones, I don't know
I'm not even sure I'm allowed. I can't see how...
Maybe it takes a lot of passion

Waves of grieving roll over me and not one other player in the universe can relate. Just these echos of memories that keep me sorting....which ones to keep...or to put them in that red box and mail it off to a tomorrow I don't belong in

Cause it's easier that way and the hard way isn't doing much good.

I push away the waves in time for dinner.
Art projects

Want me to read this book?
I love that picture!
Let's put on your shoes.
That IS a Big tree.
Yes, you can have a Popsicle
Take out the garbage
These girls will grow up, just be patient with them
You are an excellent artist
I trust you
I forgive you
Put your phone away
More? More? I love this baby
Yes, You DID IT! I'm so proud of you...
Say Shema...


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