What distance, if any, have I traveled by this time?

Time has aged my hands
calmed my mind
Soothed the intensity of my internal dialogue
I have clarity
           and fewer questions
I have wide open spaces in rolling hills of thought
because i have the time now to stroll there

The house is clean 
and quiet

I've slowed down in judgement

of myself
in ambition
in acquisition
I'm taking the space to be quiet
                       to know Gd
To respond

I could still find reasons 
to need to hurry
But by now, I've decided to spend myself 
Underneath connections
I was always longing for but 
                      never made time for
To open up doors fearlessly and love
Every Soul
To see the Thou over the I
or the means to an end.

My hands more wrinkled now 
with scars and stories

Remind me of days past
And I let these hands drip  
days lived onto paper
to preserve
    and  pass on

I stop more often to sway and bow
Accepting the unfolding of Eternity 
               in the Ever Present Hands of Gd.               


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