

Soft morning light, warm sweet air, sticks to your skin in layers as moments go by,

the hum of a well meaning fan, an old white coffee cup and it's carmel froth and song,

an honest wish for cooler weather, and the ever present internal struggle. The dog

walks by and I am enjoying the few moments of silence and thought before the

children wake up, before the day imposes its demands on me, before my Free will

becomes less free and less my own will. But I stand back and observe this moment.

Is there any other like it? Has there ever been? The divinity that creates this, the

promises and potentials it is created by, that rising movement of upward soul, the

expanding of light and existence, would have been missed if I wasn't here in this

moment. If I had followed my thoughts into spent fields of yesterday or the black

unknown of tomorrow, into the lifeless grounds of "what-ifs" or "should-have", I would

be less alive, and less in general because I missed it, pondering the useless.

I didn't miss this one....


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